Happy Birthday Me! Last full moon of 2023

Today is my birthday. My sixtieth birthday. Wow. Just wow. 
When you are young you never think that you will get to this age. You have the thought that you have all the time in the world. Like the song from For King and Country says "Why are we spending time like someone is making more".
I never thought that I would get to this age even though I knew some day I would God willing if the Rapture hadn't occurred yet.

Isn't this a lovely full moon. The last full moon of 2023. So beautiful and bright. The kind of life I would like to have. Beautiful and Bright. The kind of light that no one could ignore (another FK&C reference). This past year went so quickly that it was gone before I could really get it all in. 

So I am hoping that this next year will be better. I would love to look back on my sixty one birthday and see that I made a change in the world or at least to someone in this year.

All this is by God's will alone of course.



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