Update on Appalachian Show and personal work

Boo Hoo, I didn't win anything, but there is always hope that someone will buy. I am grateful that I got both pieces in the show, seeing as only half of the artworks submitted got in.

It was a great show. The minute I walked in I knew I was in trouble. So many excellent pieces of art, many abstracts and mixed media. Concept was the judge's first point for the ones she picked, and of course the second point was technical/knowledge of medium, but her third point was if the the artist came through their art. If it was personal. The best of show was very personal, but I wonder what she saw in mine to pick them. I never really thought about how personal my work is. I do abstracts to show and perhaps sell, playing with color and texture. No symbols, no images. It is rare that use either. So what is personal about them? What did she see? I wish judges of shows would follow up and talk about each artists' work so we could know and grow.

So, now I will be looking at my work with a newer insight, seeing how to make myself come through better and still keep to the path I am wanting to go.

PS- I do do very personal work, but it is for me only. My own therapy art. Some of my personal work could be very dark and disturbing and I don't feel it should be shared with others.


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